A florists role consists of a lot more work than you may think, they have a number of demands and responsibilities as they are hired for many different purposes. Florists may be hired to make floral arrangements for funerals, weddings, parties and other celebratory or non celebratory events. Keeping those jobs in mind, they also design specific flower arrangements – such as bouquets, wreaths and more. This is for display so that when a customer enters their shop they can have an idea of what to expect from the florists work. Baring all those roles in mind, they must also keep on top of there normal flower arrangements for simple purchases from customers.
What is the difference between a florist and a floral designer?
While you may of thought they are both the same profession with a different name, they are simply not. A florists role involves more individual flower sales to customers, e.g – selling a small bouquet of flowers to customers for father’s day. Florists usually grown their own flowers and sort them into specific floral arrangements for their shop.
A floral designer is a little different, floral designers are hired for specific jobs such as flower arrangements for a wedding or special event. Now while florists can be hired for this role as well, they may not be as reliable because they not only have an entire shop to run but will have to keep on top of their own tasks to keep their own business afloat. Floral designers are the go to people for arrangements for special events as they specialise in this and usually don’t have a ton of other jobs they have to focus on at the same time.
What are the different styles of flower arrangement?
– Triangular flowers
– The cascade
– The oval shaped flower
– The S styled flower
– The crescent flower arrangement
– Elliptical flower arrangement
– Vertical styled flower
What is the best way to send flowers out of the state?
The best way to send an individual flowers out of the state would be to order them online. Some flower shops have their own website you can simply make an order from. If you know exactly what flowers you want, you can specify the arrangement and order the flowers straight to the address. This method is hands of, fairly simple and wont take up to much of your time.
How do you differentiate one florist from another?
Every florist is different. Just like everyone in the world. While some florists may have some similarities, their flower arrangements, the style and layout of their shop is always going to be different from one another. This is good for a potential buyer as this gives them plenty of option. If they don’t like the style of one florists work, they may go to another.
What is the prospect of the florist business?
Florists and their business are what allow us to have a creative floral arrangement present in any event we go to. These events in the absence of the creative flower arrangements seen to this day simply wouldn’t be the same. If florists were to disappear of the face of the earth, there would be no flowers to be present at events like funerals, weddings, anniversaries and parties. Not to mention mother’s day and father’s day. Now yes we could just purchase flowers from our local store, but if you were/are looking for a specific flower arrangement, the store wont help you. A florists business allows us to have an event with the exact floral arrangement we desire. Without florists there would be no other way to get this done.